
What we offer...

    Funded places
Free Funding for eligible 2 year olds as well as free funding available for age 3-5 years.
Sunshine Room
0-2 years room. 
Rainbow Room
2-4 years room.

A quality curriculum doesn't come from a box...

It can not be purchased or delivered to your door. It is not pre-cut pumpkins or circles for snowmen. It is not hours of teacher directed activities or forced participation. It is not an end product. It is not rigid, detailed schedules hanging on the wall. It does not mean designer furniture or perfectly landscaped playgrounds. Quality preschool curriculum is much more than that...
It is about engaging in meaningful conversations and everyday experiences. It is developing a relationship with each child and embracing their individuality. It is allowing them to use all of their senses. It is child led and driven by their desire to understand more. It trusts them as capable learners and supports their choices. It is about exploration and freedom of creativity. It allows them to accomplish goals in their own time. 
It is about respecting them where they are developmentally. It understands the value of play. It is unhurried and embraced. It is being in the moment. It is taking time to pick the dandelions and dance in mud puddles. It is mixing paint  just for the sake of mixing it. It is play dough in their hair and grass stained knees. 

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